29 DECEMBER 2013 ( Tanker Traffic )
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B SKS SPEY 0720 Hrs S/B SEACROSS 0840 Hrs S/B SUPER LADY 1000 Hrs N/B DONAT 1200 Hrs N/B ENERGY SKIER 1330 Hrs N/B SEAPRINCESS 1500 Hrs
Daily Tanker Traffic at Bosphorus
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B SKS SPEY 0720 Hrs S/B SEACROSS 0840 Hrs S/B SUPER LADY 1000 Hrs N/B DONAT 1200 Hrs N/B ENERGY SKIER 1330 Hrs N/B SEAPRINCESS 1500 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B ELENI 0720 Hrs S/B SEABORN 0840 Hrs N/B VINGA 1100 Hrs N/B GENMAR ELEKTRA 1220 Hrs N/B NS CONSUL 1340 Hrs N/B PETROZAVODSK 1500 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B BESIKTAS DARDANELLES 0720 Hrs N/B RICH DUKE II 1230 Hrs N/B MIKELA P 1350 Hrs N/B CE-VENTURE 1510 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B SEAFAITH II 0720 Hrs S/B EVERGLADES 0840 Hrs S/B STELLAR VOYAGER 1000 Hrs S/B LEADER 1410 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B AEGEAN FAITH 0710 Hrs S/B ENERGY SPRINTER 0820 Hrs S/B ISKMATI SPIRIT 0940 Hrs S/B MINDORO 1210 Hrs N/B CHAMPION PLEASURE 1400 Hrs N/B VALLESINA 1520 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B BELMAR 0710 Hrs N/B CE-BREEZE 0840 Hrs N/B SEACROSS 1010 Hrs N/B DUGI OTOK 1140 Hrs N/B AEGEAN LEGEND 1310 Hrs N/B SUPER LADY 1440 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B IOANNIS 1130 Hrs S/B KIRIL LAVROV 1240 Hrs S/B CAP GUILLAUME 1400 Hrs S/B CAPE BONY 1510 Hrs Strait closed due to dense fog – visibility till 1030 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B MARINOR 1200 Hrs N/B BESIKTAS DARDANELLES 1330 Hrs N/B ELENI 1500 Hrs Strait closed due to dense fog – visibility till 1030 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B CORDUNA JACOB 1000 Hrs S/B ALPINE ATHELIA 1230 Hrs S/B SEADANCER 1340 Hrs S/B AEGEAN NOBILITY 1500 Hrs