31 DECEMBER 2009 ( Tanker Traffic )
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B  ENERGY SKIER  0700 Hrs N/B  POPI P  0820 Hrs Ship Traffic Suspended because of towing operation of Leiv Eiriksson.
Daily Tanker Traffic at Bosphorus
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B  ENERGY SKIER  0700 Hrs N/B  POPI P  0820 Hrs Ship Traffic Suspended because of towing operation of Leiv Eiriksson.
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B  MINERVA ASTRA  0700 Hrs N/B  CUMHURIYET  0810 Hrs N/B  MILTIADIS M II  0930 Hrs S/B  SKIROPOULA  1230 Hrs S/B  MINERVA VERA  1340 Hrs S/B  OCEAN ACCORD  1500 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B  SEAVOYAGER  1000 Hrs N/B  BRITISH HAZEL  1200 Hrs S/B  CHEMTRANS LYRA  1400 Hrs S/B  SEAPACIS  1510 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B  OPAL QUEEN  0700 Hrs S/B  CAP PHILIPPE  0810 Hrs S/B  OTTOMAN NOBILITY  0930 Hrs N/B  CORAL SEA  1110 Hrs N/B  GODOVARI SPIRIT  1240 Hrs N/B  HELLESPONT TROOPER  1400 Hrs N/B  BALTIC GALAXY  1510 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B  EAGLE STEALTH  0700 Hrs S/B  MOSCOW RIVER  0810 Hrs N/B  SEATRANSPORT  1100 Hrs N/B  RIO GENOA  1230 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B  CAP THEODORA  0700 Hrs N/B  GENMAR COMPANION  0820 Hrs N/B  SEAMUSIC  0940 Hrs N/B  BW HUDSON  1110 Hrs N/B  AMBELOS  1230 Hrs S/B  VARG STAR  1400 Hrs S/B  MOONLIGH VENTURE  1510 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B  SEADANCER  0700 Hrs N/B  SEASCOUT  0810 Hrs N/B  AMALTHEA  0940 Hrs N/B  AEGEAN NOBILITY  1100 Hrs S/B  PANAGIA ARMATA  1240 Hrs S/B  CE-VENTURE  1400 Hrs S/B  ZARIFA ALIYEVA  1510 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B  GENMAR SPYRIDON  0700 Hrs N/B  ELISE SHULTE  0830 Hrs S/B  CUMHURIYET  1020 Hrs S/B  SEACROSS  1130 Hrs S/B  SEADANCE  1240 Hrs S/B  LENI P  1400 Hrs S/B  MINERVA NIKE  1510 Hrs