01 APRIL 2015 ( Tanker Traffic )
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B AGRARI 0640 Hrs S/B SCF KHIBINY 1130 Hrs S/B NIPPON PRINCESS 1240 Hrs S/B BESIKTAS DARDANELLES 1400 Hrs S/B ST HELEN 1510 Hrs S/B PETRODVORETS 1630 Hrs
Daily Tanker Traffic at Bosphorus
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B AGRARI 0640 Hrs S/B SCF KHIBINY 1130 Hrs S/B NIPPON PRINCESS 1240 Hrs S/B BESIKTAS DARDANELLES 1400 Hrs S/B ST HELEN 1510 Hrs S/B PETRODVORETS 1630 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B NISSOS SANTORINI 0800 Hrs N/B NEVERLAND 0920 Hrs N/B EUROVISION 1050 Hrs N/B SCF SURGUT 1210 Hrs S/B NS LION 1400 Hrs S/B BAKU 1510 Hrs S/B GENMAR SPARTIATE 1630 Hrs S/B SEAQUEEN 1740 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B IZUMO PRINCESS 0640 Hrs N/B ASTRO ANTARES 0810 Hrs N/B MONTEREY 0940 Hrs N/B BERMUDA SPIRIT 1110 Hrs N/B SEACHANCE 1240 Hrs N/B NEVERLAND DREAM 1410 Hrs N/B SKS DRIVA 1540 Hrs S/B TAURUS 1740 Hrs
Tanker traffic cancelled because of poor visibility between 0700 – 1300 Hrs Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B BESIKTAS BOSPHORUS 1310 Hrs S/B EUROPRIDE 1430 Hrs S/B BLUE 1540 Hrs S/B MINERVA MARINA 1700 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B NORDIC FIGHTER 0600 Hrs S/B SEAMAGIC 0710 Hrs S/B MATILDA 0830 Hrs S/B SEATRIUMPH 0940 Hrs S/B ISABELLA 1100 Hrs N/B TAHITI 1300 Hrs N/B CHRISOPIGI LADY 1430 Hrs N/B OTTOMAN NOBILITY 1300 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı N/B MARAN CAPELLA 0600 Hrs N/B SCF VALDAI 1030 Hrs N/B AEGEAN DIGNITY 1200 Hrs N/B ST HELEN 1330 Hrs S/B SEASCOUT 1530 Hrs S/B SIGMA TRIUMPH 1700 Hrs
Traffic suspended for all vessels because of bridge construction
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B ALEXIA 0700 Hrs N/B NEPTUN D 1000 Hrs N/B HS CARMEN 1130 Hrs N/B BAKU 1300 Hrs N/B CAP LARA 1430 Hrs N/B BESIKTAS DARDANELLES 1600 Hrs
Name of Tanker / Tanker Adı Entering Time / Giriş Zamanı S/B NISSOS ANAFI 0550 Hrs S/B TAHITI 0700 Hrs S/B NEW CENTURY 0820 Hrs S/B DONAT 0930 Hrs S/B GEMINI SUN 1050 Hrs N/B NIPPON PRINCESS 1240 Hrs N/B SIGNAL PUMA 1400 Hrs N/B AGRARI 1530 Hrs N/B SEAQUEEN 1700 Hrs